In 2015, Impact Week made its debut in Nairobi, Kenya. Over the years, a group of passionate professors and lecturers at Africa Nazarene University continued to foster and develop this initiative, spreading the mindset of innovation and design thinking within their local community.
In February 2020, Christine Wenzel and Wiebke Piekarowitz from JCW Evolution joined forces with Design at Business to collaborate with Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, Kenya, once again. Together with their experienced and valued colleagues, Innovation Coaches Dr. James Obuhuma, John Ngila and Dana Wilk, they organized and executed a Design Thinking Program at ANU. This immersive week was filled with cultural immersion, enriching conversations, and the exchange of knowledge. It emphasized the significance of collaboration across borders, inspiring one another, and allowing ideas to flourish at their own pace, nurturing cultural needs and laying the foundation for future advancements.